How to cancel your MailReach subscription

It depends if you're on the Seats or Legacy billing

In MailReach, click on your avatar on the top right
In the dropdown menu, if you see the number of seats used (even if it's 0), you're on the seats billing.
If you don't see anything related to seats in that dropdown menu, you're in the legacy billing

Here's how to cancel your subscription if you're on the seats billing

Click on your avatar on the top right
Click on Billing
On your plan, put the number of mailboxes on 0
Click on Select
Click on Cancel on the right
Follow the steps

Here's how to cancel your subscription if you're on the legacy billing

To stop your subscription, you just have to disconnect your email account(s) from MailReach.

Go on the Email Warmer menu > Find your email account(s) and click on Show > Settings > Disconnect and stop warming > Disconnect (the red button)

Updated on: 27/10/2023

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