How to prevent forwarding MailReach emails to your clients' or sales' inboxes [Gmail / Google Workspace]


Use case 1: This guide helps cold outreach agencies avoid cluttering their clients' inboxes with warm up emails.
Use case 2: This guide helps also if you send campaigns for your sales team from secondary mailboxes and you want to avoid cluttering their official inboxes.
It's adapted if you use Gmail / Google Workspace.
It should take you 3 minutes.

Step 1 : copy your warm up content code in the settings of your email account in MailReach

In your MailReach account, select your email account and go in its settings
Find "Your warm up content code" and copy the code

Step 2 : if not done already, set up your client's or sales rep's email address as a Forwarding address in the Gmail account

Go in the Gmail account, then settings, then 'Forwarding and POP/IMAP'
Click on 'Add a forwarding address' : put here your client / sales rep email address so the emails received in this mailbox will be redirected to your client's / sales rep.
Follow the steps with your client and make sure the forwarding address has been set up and confirmed.

Step 3 : set up the Gmail filter that redirects the emails to your client / sales rep without the warm up emails.

In the Gmail settings, go to 'Filters and Blocked Addresses'
Click on 'Create a new filter'
In the 'Doesn't have' field, paste your warm up content code

Click on 'Create filter'
Check 'Forward it to' and select the address of your client / sales rep.
Create filter. You're done.

Congrats 🎉 you've set up a filter in Gmail that says "Redirect all emails to my client / sales rep except the ones that contains the code XYZ".

Updated on: 15/05/2024

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